Pocket Grapher

Pocket Grapher Graph Tab


Basic GUI

The graphing screen for this calculator is designed to allow for quick and easy manipulation of the view. To move the plot simply touch the screen and drag. To zoom in touch the circle with the plus sign in it in the bottom left corner and drag diagnally towards the center. Moving either horizontally or vertically will result in zooming in only the x or y direction. To zoom out touch the circle with the minus sign in the top right and drag diagnally, horizontally, or vertically to scale over xy, x, or y respectively. The rectangle in the bottom left shows with of the graph compared to the height.

Graph Tab

The graph tab is used to find zeros and graph intersections. Those to features are still a little buggy and may not always work properly. The animate will animate the graph but there is also a button to animate under the Graph->Animation tab. The grey box is used for data output when finding intersections. It will show the variable name and its value. The value shown is automatically stored into the variable shown.

Animation Tab

The animation tab is used for animating graphs. The following describes when each element in the interface does.
  • Duration - this is the length animation to happen in seconds.
  • Loop - selects if the animation will loop or not.
  • Variable - this is the variable that is changing over the course of the animation.
  • Delay - this is the delay between frames of the animation in seconds.
  • From - the starting value of the variable.
  • To - the ending value of the variable
  • Go - animates the graph.
  • Slider - freely adjust the Variable between the From and To values.

View Tab

This tab is used for adjusting the view for the calculator. The text fields represent the current min and max for the x and y for the display. These values can be changed and applied to the graph by pushing the apply button. The Square button will square up the display so the zoom in the y direction is the same as the zoom in the x direction. The Axis button toggles through having no axis, having and axis, and having and axis with a grid. The Backcolor button allows for changing the back color of the display. The axis color will autmatically be adjusted to be visible.

Points Tab

This tab is for creating grabbable points on the 2D graph. When created these points will be represented by a two element list variable. The first element is the x compenent of the point and the second element is the y compenent.
The points tab has the following interface components.
  • Recalc - When enabled, this will cause all the plots to be recalculated while points are being moved.
  • Text Field - This is the name of the variable to store the xy position of the grab point.
  • Snap to grid - When applied to a point, the point will snap to the grid.
  • Precision - When applied to a point this will adjust the decimal place the point will snap to. The value can be negitive for incriments larger than one.
  • Apply - This button will apply snap to grid and precision to the selected point in the Text Field. This will also add a point if the text in the text field is not an already defined grab point.
  • Delete - This button deletes the curretly selected point in the Text Field.